Earn More: Summer Builder Bonus

As an extra incentive to build your business this summer, Synergy has a new bonus available for you to earn this July, August, and September. Fill these next few months with extra cash and new opportunities as you work to qualify for the Summer Builder Bonus!

Three months, three chances to earn. That’s right! Enjoy an extra 900 zł, 1800 zł or 2700 zł in addition to all the other commissions, bonuses, and product credit available to you as a Synergy Team Member. Set a goal to earn this bonus all three months, starting today!

Simply qualify for Elite Honors, then add extra summer-time effort into enrolling others. Within any or all of the next three calendar months:
  • Accumulate a minimum of 600 CV in TC 1 Volume
  • Personally sponsor THREE new Team Members 
  • If TWO of those new Team Members activate with at least 600 CV in activation volume, you've earned your Summer Builder Bonus!*

Do you have a vacation planned? Want some new clothes to wear in Torino this October? Are you saving up for something special? What could you do with the extra income you can earn this season with the Summer Builder Bonus?

Share your passion. Promote Elite Health. Strengthen the foundation of your business, and reap the rewards!

Total Summer Builder Bonuses will be paid at the end of the 3-month promotion. Each calendar/commissionable month resets the qualification. To be eligible for this bonus you must be eligible for other Synergy commissions by meeting the CV requirements in your market. *Two of the three activating Team Members must activate with 600 CV. The other must meet the minimum TC1 activation standard required in your market.

This Bonus is a promotional program available for a limited-time only. Act now to earn your Summer Builder Bonus!

Questions? Contact us today!

**In the next few days this content will be updated in your local language.



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