
Synergy WorldWide Europe invites you on a wellness journey. Our #MySmartMealJourney is for anyone and everyone. We all have different goals and objectives, meaning your wellness journey is unique to YOU. Write down your goals and kickoff a lifelong journey together with us, focused on making better choices and caring for yourself. Do you know someone who would love to participate, challenge them and do it together?! Learn more about SmartMeal here.

Your health and wellbeing are important and directly impacts your quality of life. Avoiding unhealthy foods, finding good alternatives, supplying your body with proper nutrition & vitamins, and staying active can make a world of difference. Challenges and the fast rhythm of everyday life can make it difficult to kick off a lifestyle change or wellness journey and equally so, continue or maintain it. That is why Synergy Europe is so excited to host our first ever wellness journey

You can choose to kickoff with a 4-week or 8-week journey. Together we can support, encourage, share, and learn from each other. Track your progress, hold yourself accountable and as weeks pass by you will have developed new skills, good habits and get closer and closer to reaching your goals.

To make this journey extra tasty and MORE FUN we at Synergy Europe are ready too! Our staff is ready to participate with you, and we will share glimpses from their journeys, as well as other helpful information, recipes, and motivational content. We want to award and acknowledge anyone who is actively participating and sharing their #MySmartMealJourney on Instagram, so get ready for weekly giveaways, redeem a product discount when you have reached your 4- or 8-week journey milestone and qualify for participating in our SmartMeal Wellness Journey Raffle. 

Get your SmartMeal, and start sharing you journey on Instagram weekly. Is that simple! Once you reach your milestone you will be able to redeem your guaranteed product discount and collect a raffle ticket.

How to share your Journey: 

  1. First post: Create your first post showcasing yourself and your received SmartMeal delivery. Share with us your excitement, goals, plan, or focus. 
  2. Weekly post (minimum once a week): Share your journey on Instagram. The more posts you create the better are your chances to win during our weekly raffles. 
  3. Milestone post: Once you have reached your first milestone (4- or 8-week mark) share a picture of yourself and something you are proud of having achieved through participating in Synergy’s wellness journey. Share your experience and let us know how you plan to continue.
  4. Remember: that if your Instagram account is private, we are unable to see or follow your participation. Create your own content and always use the hashtag:#MySmartMealJourney #SynergyEurope #synergyworldwide and tag: in each post.
  5. Submit and redeem: Once you have completed the kickoff journey submit your participation to and receive your product discount and raffle ticket.

This will be fun…tasty…challenging…rewarding, so whatever your goal or purpose for joining may be, write it down, make a plan and participate! We look forward to seeing and experiencing success together – Are you ready?  


Note that “first post” and “milestone post” have predefined requirements, but if you are wondering what to share for your weekly post here is a list of tips and topics that can help you stay on track:

- My first shake
- My customized SmartMeal shake
- Staying active
- My best wellness tips.
- My future goals and plans
- My favorite recipe with SmartMeal
- Checking in with myself – How am I doing? 
- Healthy eating and cooking
- Staying hydrated
- The Synergy lifestyle
- A Smart Meal on the go
- Good routines
- Today’s motivation
- Sport activities
- Proud achievements


Qualify for the 4-week journey milestone product discount and get 1 SmartMeal free, when you purchase 4 or more in an order. Must be redeemed before October 31st. Redeem through Customer Service.

Qualify for the 8-week journey milestone product discount and get 2 SmartMeal free, when you purchase 8 or more in an order. Must be redeemed before October 31st. Redeem through Customer Service. 

*Orders placed through calling or emailing Customer Service will receive the free shipping directly. Any qualified web or Autoship orders will receive a reimbursement for the automatically charged shipping fee.

Complete your 4- or 8-week wellness journey between now and September 19th with Synergy WorldWide Europe.



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