Celebrating International Women’s day

Supporting women’s achievements - social, economic, cultural, and political - is a year-round responsibility and privilege. On March 8th, International Women’s Day, we celebrate all women all over the world! 

In Synergy we are proud to have so many independent and strong women across Europe, who support, inspire, and create their own success as Team Members. We are proud of the work you do and want to say, “thank you!”. Thank you for being inspiring role models, taking a stand and working for and together with women to reach your achievements. 

To celebrate this occasion, any orders placed through Customer Service on 8th of March will get FREE SHIPPING.  

Here’s how it works:

Place an order March 8th through Customer Service (phone call or email)... 
...That’s it, you get free shipping on that order! 

This limited time offer is available in all Europe markets one day only (March 8th) until midnight CET,  so, go ahead and snag a few more of your favorite wellness supplements. Share this opportunity with friends and family seeking Elite Health or a new and exciting business opportunity. 

 - Orders placed via CS will receive free shipping directly. 
- Any orders placed via email on the 8th of March until midnight CET will have the celebratory offer honored and be processed as early as possible the following day .



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